Fluffy homemade sourdough bread

A trend that should definitely not be missing from your plate. In addition to the irresistible taste, it will also bring you a number of health benefits.

Background information:

Sourdough bread does not contain yeast, any chemical additives, various additives such as stabilizers and flavor regulators, but exclusively bread yeast, and this guarantees the preservation of a large amount of minerals and a high fiber content. The use of real yeast prevents the excessive harmful reproduction of yeast in the body and thus does not create the conditions for the emergence of various diseases and contributes to improving the condition. Sourdough bread cleans the blood, improves digestion and is especially suitable for people suffering from allergies.


Sourdough bread was invented 6000 years before our era in Egypt, where wheat was grown on a large scale. Grain was crushed on stones, water, salt, seeds and honey were added. The Egyptians probably came up with the fermentation process by accident, when they left the dough in the sun for a long time and it soured. After baking, a delicious delicacy with a crispy crust and a fluffy center was created, which until then traditional pancakes could not match. That is why this method of preparation began to spread very quickly. Bread was then given due honors for centuries and became a staple food in all corners of the world. Later, sourdough was replaced by yeast.


The chef of our Cle D'or restaurant, who, together with his team of skilled chefs, prepares daily fresh bread, which we serve to our guests, will give us advice on how to make crispy, fluffy bread with a beautiful brown crust.
To begin with, it is necessary to make a mother yeast from rye whole grain flour, rye bread flour and water. This yeast then needs to be fed for 10-14 days. The first four days with rye bread flour and after 4 days with rye whole grain flour. On the day you will bake the bread, prepare the leaven from flour (it is up to you which flour you use, it depends on your taste), water and yeast and leave it to ferment at room temperature for 10-12 hours. And how do you know if the yeast is properly prepared? Add yeast to the water and if it floats to the top, you can start kneading the bread dough. During this process, autolysis begins to work (gluten binds to water) and the dough must be left to rest for half an hour. It is important to turn the dough 30-8 times every 10 minutes. The next step is to let the dough sit and rise for at least 4 hours. And now it's time to shape the dough and put it in a bowl. If you don't have a colander at home, you can use a strainer with a cloth. The dough is placed in the refrigerator overnight to rise, and the next day it can be baked in 2 stages. In the first stage, the bread is baked at a higher temperature, and in the second stage, the temperature is lowered so that the inside of the bread is baked and the crust does not burn.

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